
Multi-objective Optimization Design on Nuclear Power Primary Circuit System

  • 摘要: 本文编制了一回路系统数学模型评价程序,讨论了热工及结构参数的变化对一回路系统重量、体积的影响,利用自主开发的混合粒子群算法对一回路系统的重量、体积进行双目标优化。计算结果显示,采用优化策略后,一回路系统总重量和总体积分别减小了12.75%与13.69%,优化结果显著。


    Abstract: The primary circuit system mathematical model evaluating procedures were compiled, and the effects of thermal and structure parameters on the primary circuit system weight and volume were discussed. The multi-objective optimization of the primary circuit system weight and volume was carried out based on the self-developed hybrid particle swarm optimization. The calculation results show that the total weight and total volume of primary circuit system were reduced by 12.75% and 13.69% respectively after using the optimization strategy, and the optimization effect is obvious.


