
6LiF Semiconductor Sandwich Spectrometer for Fast Neutron Spectrum Measurement

  • 摘要: 本文介绍了6LiF夹心谱仪的测量原理、自行设计研制的6LiF夹心半导体谱仪探头结构及电子学系统组成等。在热中子场中测试了夹心谱仪的性能,获得了α粒子峰、T粒子峰及“和”峰在多道上的位置与能量分辨率,并用T粒子与“和”峰两个能量点的峰位对谱仪系统进行了能量刻度。分别用效应探头和本底探头测量了临界装置表面的效应谱和本底谱,当效应探头采用的6LiF镀层质量厚度为186 μg/cm2时,6LiF夹心谱仪对热中子的能量分辨率为363 keV,测量中子最佳能区为0.3~7.5 MeV,在该能区内,本底谱约占1%。


    Abstract: A detector of 6LiF semiconductor sandwich spectrometer was designed and manufactured. Characteristics of the spectrometer were tested in the fast neutron critical assembly. Measurement principle, configuration of detector and electronic circuit were introduced. Fast neutron spectrum was measured using the 6LiF semiconductor sandwich spectrometer. When the detector’s 6LiF mass thickness is 186 μg/cm2, the spectrometer’s energy resolution is 363 keV in the thermal neutron field. For this spectrometer, the optimal fathomable neutron energy range is 0.3-7.5 MeV, and the background counts only take possession of 1% in this area.


