
Measurement of 7Be in CTBT Radionuclide Stations Verification Samples

  • 摘要: 全面禁止核试验条约(CTBT)国际监测系统(IMS)放射性核素监测网络由80个放射性核素监测台站组成,用于监测全球是否有违约的核事件发生。核素台站需通过条约组织的核准认证以满足相应的技术要求。在台站认证过程中,条约组织采用便携式气溶胶取样器进行平行采样,将采集的认证样品分发给核素实验室进行分析,以此来校准台站气溶胶样品测量设备。根据核素台站认证的技术要求,本文推导了气溶胶样品中7Be放射性活度浓度计算公式,建立了样品制备和测量分析流程,完成了RN42和RN56放射性核素台站气溶胶认证样品的测量和分析工作,协助条约组织完成了这两个台站的核准认证。


    Abstract: The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) International Monitoring System (IMS) radionuclide network, including 80 stations, was designed to monitor nuclear test all over the word. The stations should be certified by CTBT to comply with the technical requirements. Among the certification tests carried out at each station, parallel sampling with portable particle sampler is performed. The verification samples from the portable air sampler will be analyzed at radionuclide laboratories to calibrate the equipments of stations. According to technical requirement of radionuclide station certification, this article deduced the formula of 7Be radioactivity concentration. The preparation and analysis procedure of verification samples were established. As part of certification of radionuclide stations RN42 and RN56, the verification samples from these two stations were measured by HPGe γ spectrometer in Beijing Radionuclide Laboratory.


