Libera Photon在合肥光源同步光位置测量系统中的应用

Application of Libera Photon in Photon Beam Position Measurement System at Hefei Light Source

  • 摘要: 合肥光源新引进了IT公司的新一代光位置信号处理器Libera Photon,其采用嵌入式EPICS IOC,极大地提高了数据的传输效率,经测试,该处理器的分辨率好于0.07 μm。同时,自主研制开发了相配套的时钟分配器以及远程软件控制程序,并将新同步光位置信号处理系统用于原有的双丝型光位置探测器进行了初步的应用研究,测试得到的同步光位置信息与相近的BPM Q8E所测得的束流位置信息变化趋势一致,说明Libera Photon能够很好地进行同步光位置信息的测量。


    Abstract: A new photon beam position processor which named Libera Photon from Instrumentation Technology was introduced at HLS (Hefei Light Source). It had a good resolution better than 0.07 μm, and improved the data efficiency greatly for using embedded EPICS IOC. Matching installations including clock splitter and remote control program were developed. This new photon beam position measurement system was used for the two-wire monitor in the machine diagnostic beam line (MDBL). The photon beam position measured by Libera Photon is similar with beam position measured by BPM at BPM Q8E, which means Libera Photon is suitable to photon beam position measurement.


