
Research on Factors Influencing Radon Exhalation Rate on Aerated Concrete Block

  • 摘要: 使用RAD7和建材氡析出率测试舱,对加气混凝土砌块表面氡析出率随其尺寸、样品数量及含水率的变化规律进行了实验研究。结果表明:在测试舱中放入样品的数量对被测样品的表面氡析出率几乎无影响;在同一测试舱中,当加气混凝土砌块的体积不变、表面积增加时,加气混凝土砌块的表面氡析出率减少,但加气混凝土砌块表面在单位时间内的氡析出总量不变;对于加气混凝土砌块,其表面氡析出率与其含水率的增加呈对数增长关系。


    Abstract: The research was carried out on the variation of the radon exhalation rate of aerated concrete block with the water content and dimension by using the RAD7 radon monitor and the radon exhalation rate test cabin of building materials. The result indicates that the amount of the same samples has no influence on the samples’ radon exhalation; if the volume of the aerated concrete block in the test cabin is unchanged and the surface area increases, the radon exhalation rate decreases, but the total of the radon exhaling from the surface of the aerated concrete block keeps constant; for the aerated concrete block, its radon exhalation rate increases with water content as logarithmic growth.


