Main Pollutants From Inland AP1000 NPP Liquid Radioactive Effluents and Their Treatment Technologies
摘要: AP1000核电站是我国未来短期内陆核电建设的主力堆型,其低放废液的排放与管理是水资源管理部门所关心的重要内容之一。氚、除氚外核素和硼是内陆AP1000核电站低放废液排放的主要污染物,本文对这些污染物的处理技术进行了总结。Abstract: Discharge and management of radioactive liquid effluents from inland NPP are the focus of water resource management administration. AP1000 is the main NPP type in inland NPP construction in the near future in China. The main pollutants from inland AP1000 NPP radioactive liquid effluents, including tritium, other radionuclides and boron, as well as their treatment technologies were discussed.