
A New Kind of Droplet Space Distribution Measuring Method

  • 摘要: 介绍了一种新型液滴空间分布测量技术及实验装置,该技术可测得气-水系统中气泡在自由液面处破裂产生液滴的空间分布及运动轨迹。本工作利用染色液滴撞击到水敏试纸(熟宣纸)即被吸收这一原理记录液滴运动位置。通过设计一系列不同直径的纸筒,统计同一大小气泡破裂产生液滴分别在这些圆纸筒上的撞击位置,运用数理统计原理对得到的所有数据进行综合分析,得到气泡破裂产生液滴的空间分布和运动轨迹。


    Abstract: A new kind of droplet space distribution measuring technique was introduced mainly, and the experimental device which was designed for the measuring the space distribution and traces of the flying film droplet produced by the bubble breaking up near the free surface of the water. This experiment was designed with a kind of water sensitivity test paper (rice paper) which could record the position and size of the colored scattering droplets precisely. The rice papers were rolled into cylinders with different diameters by using tools. The bubbles broke up exactly in the center of the cylinder, and the space distribution and the traces of the droplets would be received by analysing all the positions of the droplets produced by the same size bubble on the rice papers.


