
Thermal-hydraulic Analysis for Hot Gas Mixing Structure of HTR-PM

  • 摘要: 利用Fluent软件对HTR-PM堆底热气混合结构及设计的相应缩比模型实验台架的压力和温度分布进行了数值模拟,对热混合效果和压降特性进行了分析。在改变入口流量进行数值模拟计算的基础上,得出混合结构的混合效率和等效阻力系数随热气导管中流体Re的变化,讨论了该混合结构的流动与热混合进入自模拟区域的情况。数值模拟计算和理论分析说明,可通过缩比模型实验来确定HTR-PM堆底热气混合结构的热混合效率及阻力特性,但对于阻力特性应采用更为详细和合理的方法进行描述。


    Abstract: By using Fluent code, the numerical simulation of pressure and temperature profiles was carried out for the hot gas mixing structure of HTRPM and its scale model experiment installation. The mixing performance and the resistance property of these two structures were analyzed. The characters of mixing performance and the coefficient of flow resistance were obtained with the change of Re for flow in hot gas tube. The self-simulation mode of the flow and heat mixing of the mixing structure entrance was discussed. According to numerical simulation and theoretical analysis, the heat mixing performance and the flow resistance property can be obtained by the scale model experiment. However, the flow resistance property should be described in a more detailed and reasonable way which requires the accomplishment of the experiment.


