
Application of Droplet Model in Wave-Type Vane Steam Separator

  • 摘要: 基于液滴运动的物理描述和机理研究,根据液滴在蒸汽流场中的受力及液滴的物性,对液滴的物理状态进行了描述,将单液滴的三维运动模型应用于波形板汽水分离器,对波形板内部蒸汽流场进行了数值模拟,结合单液滴模型程序计算了液滴在波形板内部蒸汽流场中的运动。探讨了液滴在波形板汽水分离器中的分离。


    Abstract: According to the force on the droplet and droplet physical properties, the droplet physical state was described and the three-dimension single droplet model was established based on the physical description and mechanism research on the droplet movement. The droplet model was applied to simulate the droplet movement in the wave-type vane steam separator, in which the steam fluid field was numerical simulated and movements of the droplets were simulated by calculation procedure. The droplet behavior mechanism in the steam flow field in the wave-type vane was explained.


