
Analysis of Steady State Thermal-hydraulic and Transient Characteristics of In-Hospital Neutron Irradiator-Mark 1 Reactor

  • 摘要: 本文利用子通道程序PRTHA计算了IHNI-1反应堆堆芯热工参数,分析了IHNI-1反应堆堆芯燃料元件与冷却剂的温度场分布,同时给出了堆芯发生过冷沸腾时的功率计算结果。利用RELAP5程序分析了反应堆瞬态特性,以及堆芯瞬态参数随反应性的变化过程。通过本文的分析,表明IHNI-1反应堆具有较好的固有安全特性。


    Abstract: Using subchannel code PRTHA, some thermal-hydraulic parameters of IHNI-1 reactor were calculated. The fuel element temperature field and the coolant temperature distribution of the core were analyzed, and the calculation results of the power in the beginning of subcooled boiling were presented. The transient characteristics of IHNI-1 reactor were analyzed by using RELAP5 code, and the variation of the transient parameters with reactivity was also calculated. The analysis of the papern indicates that IHNI-1 reactor has the characteristics of inherent safety.


