
Transient Behaviours Analysis of Xi’an Pulsed Reactor Under Beyond Design Basis Accident

  • 摘要: 为填补以往西安脉冲反应堆(脉冲堆)超设计基准事故研究的不足,利用RELAP5/SCDAP/MOD3.4程序对脉冲堆系统进行了建模计算,给出了脉冲堆在断电ATWS事故和大破口失水ATWS事故下的瞬态响应特性。计算结果表明:发生断电ATWS事故后,在无人为干涉情况下,反应堆部分燃料可能熔毁;发生大破口失水ATWS事故后,破口位置和尺寸对事故后果的严重程度有重要影响,破口位置在堆池底部时,燃料最高温度低于1 800 ℃,而破口位置高于堆芯下栅板时,将导致燃料元件熔毁。根据脉冲堆在超设计基准事故下的动态响应,针对两种事故工况分别提出了相应的缓解措施。


    Abstract: For filling up the gaps in the study of beyond design basis accident (BDBA) of Xi’an Pulsed Reactor (XAPR), the reactor system was simulated by RELAP5/SCDAP/MOD3.4, and transient state operating characteristics of XAPR system under blackout accident plused anticipated transients without scram (ATWS) accident and large break loss of coolant accident (LOCA) ATWS accident were concluded. The results show that under blackout ATWS accident, a part of fuel elements will be melt without any manual intervention; under LOCA ATWS accident, the break size and location have an important influence on the result of the accident. When the break is at the bottom of pool, the highest temperature of the fuel is under 1 800 ℃. When the break is above the lower grid plate, some fuel elements will be melted. The corresponding mitigation measures were given according to the calculated results.


