
Experimental Study on Additional Pressure Drop Due to Solid in Feeder for Absorber Sphere Pneumatic Conveying

  • 摘要: 在搭建的以常温、常压空气为气源的压送式气力输送试验系统中,使用玻璃球代替吸收球,在供料器入口空气稳态流速ua约14~29 m/s范围内,研究了供料器的固相附加压降特性。结果表明:通过测量供料器纯气相阻力,计算得到其气相局部阻力系数平均值为3.1;随着ua增大,供料器固相附加压降由3.09 kPa先减小约为2.85 kPa后基本保持不变,转折点ua约为17 m/s;供料器固相附加压降与气相压降的比值随ua的增大由6.3逐渐减小为1.5;供料器固相附加压损系数随ua的增大由0.37逐渐减小为0.17,拟合得到了供料器固相附加压损系数与Fr的经验关系式,可供相应压降设计计算参考。


    Abstract: The additional pressure drop due to solid of the feeder for the absorber spheres pneumatic conveying was investigated in the positive pressure transport system. The absorber sphere was replaced by the glass sphere and transported with the ambient air as the source gas. The steady state air velocity of the feeder inlet, ua, is in the range of 14.29 m/s. The calculated average coefficient of feeder local resistance is 3.1 from the measured pressure drop for gas stream. The additional pressure drop due to solid in the feeder first decreases from 3.09 kPa to 2.85 kPa with the increase of ua from 14.1 m/s to about 17 m/s, and then remains about 2.85 kPa with the further increase of ua. The ratio of the additional pressure drop due to solid and the gas phase pressure drop of the feeder deceases from 6.3 to 1.5 with the increase of ua. The coefficient of additional pressure drop due to solid of the feeder deceases from 0.37 to 0.17 with the increase of ua. The correlation of the coefficient of additional pressure drop due to solid of the feeder and the Fr is conducted for the design of the feeder pressure drop with similar working conditions.


