
Cold Test of Pressure Drop Characteristics of Absorber Sphere Pneumatic Conveying

  • 摘要: 在以常温、常压空气为气源的压送式气力输送试验系统中,使用玻璃球代替吸收球,在供料器入口空气稳态流速ua约14~29 m/s范围内,研究了吸收球气力输送的压降特性。试验结果表明:稳态输送时风机压升随ua增大由36.0 kPa先减小为33.3 kPa,而后逐渐增大到48.5 kPa,转折点ua约为17 m/s;随ua由14.1 m/s增大约为19 m/s,气固两相流段压降由28.9 kPa减小为22.4 kPa,之后随ua继续增大至28.6 m/s而缓慢增大到25.6 kPa;气固两相流段压降占风机压升的比例随ua的增大由80%逐渐减小为53%;气相段压降占风机压升的比例不可忽视,工程设计中应适当考虑降低气相段压降,以便降低对风机最高压升参数的技术要求。


    Abstract: The pressure drop characteristics of the absorber sphere pneumatic conveying was investigated in the positive pressure transport system. The absorber sphere was replaced by the glass sphere. The ambient air was used as the source gas. The steady state air velocity of the feeder inlet, ua, is in the range of 14.29 m/s. The pressure rise of the blower first decreases from 36.0 kPa to 33.3 kPa with the increase of ua from 14 m/s to about 17 m/s, and then increases to 48.5 kPa with the further increase of ua. The pressure drop of the gas-solid two-phase flow section first decreases from 28.9 kPa to 22.4 kPa with the increase of ua from 14.1 m/s to about 19 m/s, and then increases to 25.6 kPa with the further increase of ua. The ratio of the pressure drop of the gas solid two-phase flow section and the pressure rise of the blower deceases from 80% to 53% with the increase of ua. The pressure drop of the gas phase section is not negligible. The proper consideration to decrease the pressure of the gas phase section is needed in the engineering design to decrease the technical requirement of the blower.


