
Seism Analysis of Jordan Subcritical Facility

  • 摘要: 对于小型核设施的抗震分析,通过地质勘查得到地震谱的方法是不现实的,但可参考核电站的地面设计响应谱等标准得到。对于充液容器,使用液固耦合方法分析液体晃动相当困难,可采用刚性壁理论,最终通过附加质量法,实现工程计算。对于高支腿容器底板的螺栓连接结构,若常规的点点耦合方法过于保守,可采用面面耦合法进行模拟。


    Abstract: It is not a feasible approach for the seism analysis of the small-scale nuclear facility to calculate the seism response spectrum by geology perambulation, but the spectrum can be gotten by consulting the criterions such as the ground design response spectrum for nuclear power plant. It is very difficult to analysis the liquid sloshing using the liquid-solid coupling method, and the engineering calculation can be finished finally using the affixing mass method based on the rigid wall theory. The coupling method of plane to plane can be adopted to simulate the bolts connecting structure of the motherboards on the tall vessel supported by long legs if the results of the conventional coupling method of point to point are rather conservative.


