
Preliminary Aseismic Analysis on Bolts of Driving Mechanism in Absorption Sphere Shutdown System

  • 摘要: 吸收球停堆系统在高温气冷堆中起到相当重要的反应性控制和调节作用。而驱动装置是吸收球停堆系统中控制吸收球下落的关键运动部件。高约5 m、呈细长结构的吸收球停堆系统驱动装置通过贮球罐底座与金属堆内构件的上支承板安装面相连。吸收球停堆系统贮球罐和驱动机构均为抗震Ⅰ级设备,故驱动装置连接螺栓的抗震校核计算是非常重要的。在本文中,通过将复杂的驱动装置简化为3段变截面结构,分析结构的超静定问题,对驱动装置内贮球罐底部与顶部的螺栓进行了校核计算。计算结果表明:贮球罐底部与顶部螺栓均在抗拉强度的安全范围内,同时给出了驱动机构薄弱处的支承力。


    Abstract: The absorption sphere shutdown system performs an important role in reactivity regulating and control. Driving mechanism is a set of key mechanical moving parts which is used to control falling of absorption spheres in absorption sphere shutdown system. It is about 5 m for driving mechanism with the slim structure, which is connected with the upper supported plate of metal reactor internals through storage vessel with bolts. Both the storage vessel and driving mechanism are equipments of seismic classification Ⅰ. It is significant to calculate and check the bolts strength of driving mechanism. In this paper, complicate structure of driving mechanism was simplified to three variable cross sections and statically indeterminate problem was solved. The bolts at the bottom and on the top of the storage vessel were calculated and checked. The preliminary results indicate that the bolts strength is reliable and safe, and the supporting force at the most weak point of driving mechanism is as well obtained.


