
Research of CITP-Ⅱ Tritium Production Irradiation Device Design

  • 摘要: 在线产氚辐照装置是CITP-Ⅱ的核心部件,是研究增殖剂材料产氚及释氚试验的关键设备。本文介绍了CITP-Ⅱ产氚辐照装置的基本结构,实现了增殖剂材料的在线换料;对装置的产氚量、自屏因子、中子注量率等物理参数进行了计算;对装置的固气两相流进行了研究,估算了装置的流场特性;对增殖剂发热率、热点、温度分布梯度、极限温度、不均匀因子等热工参数进行了分析;设计了非线性的电加热器,对增殖剂的不均匀发热进行了补偿;阐述了间气及载气的成份压力对平衡温度的影响等;确定了装置的运行参数。本研究得到的关键参数及变化规律,为CITP-Ⅱ在线产氚辐照装置的结构优化及安全分析提供了依据,也可为增殖剂材料的产氚、释氚试验研究提供借鉴。


    Abstract: As the core component of CITP-Ⅱ, the online tritium production irradiation device is the pivotal equipment in the research on tritium production and release of tritium breeders. The design of CITP-Ⅱ online tritium production irradiation device creatively makes replacing the breeders online come true; as tritium production capacity, the self-shielding factor of device, and neutron flux were studied. The influence of different load models and load thicknesses of breeders to tritium production capacity was calculated. The hydrodynamics parameters of device in solid-gas phase were computed. Thermal parameters, such as the heat power of breeders, hotspot, temperature grads distributions, utmost temperature, uneven factors, were analyzed. Creatively designed nonlinear electric heater equalized breeders’ even heat power. The influence laws of the components, pressure of gap gas and carrier gas to the balance temperature were got. And the key thermal parameters were ascertained. The key thermal parameters and the changing laws were got and provide the basis for structural optimization and safety analysis. They can also be referenced for the study of breeders’ tritium production and release.


