
Review of the Second PSR of HFETR

  • 摘要: 为确定高通量工程试验堆(HFETR)保持许可证审批依据仍有效的程度及满足现行安全标准和实践的程度,从2009年至2011年参照现行核安全法规和导则对HFETR进行了第2次定期安全审查(PSR)审评。审评的重点为实际状态、安全分析、安全性能、老化管理及其他要素等5方面。审评中考虑了5.12汶川大地震发生后对HFETR进行的震后综合检查与评估结论。HFETR目前实际状态和安全状况的检查、分析及校核结果表明,通过多年来进行的一系列整治、改造、试验和维护,HFETR的停堆、冷却及包容等三大安全功能基本得到保持。


    Abstract: In order to determine the extent to which the licensing basis remains valid and the extent to which the reactor conforms to current safety standards and practices, referring to the current nuclear safety regulations and guides, the review was performed to the second period safety review (PSR) of HFETR from 2009 to 2011. The focus of the review is actual condition, safety analysis, safety performance and ageing. The inspection and assessment conclusions of the influences for 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake on HFETR in review were considered. The inspection and analysis results of HFETR current actual condition and safety status show that the three safety functions of HFETR including safe shutdown, cooling and constrain of radiation release are ensured, by means of a series of renovation, modification, testing and maintenance for many years.


