
DAQ System of Very Low and Wide Range Current Signal Based on Miniature Neutron Source Reactor

  • 摘要: 设计了1套用于微型中子源反应堆(简称微堆)中子信号的宽量程微电流数据采集系统,用于微堆物理实验的监测。系统中使用具有极低偏置电流的斩波稳零运算放大器作为主放大器、数据选择器作为增益切换的主要器件、C8051FXXX系列片上系统(SoC)中的020作为ADC和控制芯片。其电流检测范围为10-11~10-6 A,分为6个量程,各量程间自动切换,能通过串口与PC通讯。在原型微堆上验证了设计的正确性。


    Abstract: A DAQ system of current signal with very low and wide range, which has the ability of detecting the reactor neutron signal, was designed. A chopper-stabilized OP-Amp was used as the main amplifier, the data selector was used as the main unit of gain selector, and the SoC C8051F020 was used as ADC system and control unit. The current range of this system is 10-11-10-6 A, this range is divided into six grades, and it can be switched automatically. This system has the ability of communication with PC through UART. The design test was completed on prototype miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR), and the test results show that the design is reasonable.


