Thinking and Caution of Fukushima Nuclear Accident
摘要: 介绍福岛核事故的起因及发展,分析核事故的形成原因,阐述福岛核事故对核安全及我国核电发展的影响,提出了我国在建立健全核应急管理体系方面的措施及建议。希望能引起核能开发人员、核技术应用人员、核应急管理人员、核工业从业人员,以及公众的共同思考。Abstract: The origin and progress of the Fukushima nuclear accident were introduced. The cause was analyzed, and the influence on nuclear safety and the development of home nuclear power was expatiated on. The suggestion to build and perfect the home nuclear emergency framework was put forward, hoping to arouse the people working on nuclear power development, nuclear technique application, nuclear emergency, nuclear industry and the public.