Introduction of GRPC Detectors With Semi-digital Read-Out
摘要: 为提高探测器测量粒子流的能量分辨率,未来的国际直线对撞机(ILC)采用了高粒度的量能器和高精的径迹探测器相结合的方法。半数字读出式气体探测器是目前针对ILC上强子量能器所提出的预研之一,它由1 cm2 高粒度性读出系统的玻璃板阻抗室组成,具有制作方便、高效率和精准定位等优势。读出系统采用半数字读出方式,具有并行度高,可分辨不同能量粒子等特点。经模拟分析验证,在高能量下,半数字读出方式比数字读出方式的探测器具有更高的能量分辨率。Abstract: A large GRPC detector equipped with semi-digital electronics read-out with 1 cm2 lateral granularity was conceived to be used as a sensitive medium in the hadronic calorimeter of the future linear collider experiments. The GRPC detector was designed to provide high detection efficiency, excellent homogeneity and negligible dead zones. Using the ILD software, the energy resolutions under digital and semi-digital were analyzed and compared.