Preliminary Research of MOX Fuel Assembly Management in ACP1000
摘要: 使用SCIENCE程序包对MOX燃料组件进行了初步设计和研究。在此基础上,对采用部分MOX燃料组件的ACP1000堆芯开展燃料管理研究,得到由全堆装载UO2燃料组件向部分MOX燃料组件堆芯过渡的燃料管理方案,并对MOX燃料组件和部分MOX燃料组件堆芯的安全参数及其他重要参数进行分析和比较。分析结果表明,各种安全参数均满足设计要求,证明在ACP1000堆芯应用MOX燃料是可行的,并为进一步研究提供了参考。Abstract: Based on the SCIENCE code package, the MOX fuel assembly was designed for ACP1000 core. The fuel management of ACP1000 core with part MOX fuel assembly was preliminary studied, and moreover, the fuel management scheme, converting whole UO2 fuel core to part MOX fuel core, was proposed. The security parameters and nuclear design parameters were investigated. The results show that it is feasible by using MOX fuel assembly in ACP1000 core.