Error Analysis and Experimental Research of HTR-10 Burnup Measurement System
摘要: 燃耗测量系统是高温气冷堆的一重要子系统,测量结果的准确性直接影响反应堆的安全性和经济性。利用提升器的偏转实验验证了测量结果存在的系统误差,通过实验数据与理论计算结果的对比分析,确定了燃料球球心偏离准直器轴线的实际距离。Abstract: The burnup measurement system is one of the most important sub-system of the pebble bed high-temperature gas-cooled reactor. The accuracy of results will influence the security and economical efficiency of the reactor. The system error of burnup measurement system was testified by diversion experiment of elevator. By analyzing the experiment results and theory computational results, the diversion from the core of spherical fuel element to the axis of the collimator was estimated.