
Irradiation Effects of Different Energy Electrons and Annealing Characteristics on Operational Amplifier

  • 摘要: 介绍了LM837双极运算放大器分别在不同能量(1。8、1 MeV)不同束流、相同能量不同束流电子辐照环境中的响应特性及变化规律。分析了不同偏置状态下其电离辐照敏感参数在辐照后3种退火温度(室温,100、125 ℃)下随时间的变化,并讨论了引起电参数失效的机理。结果表明:与1 MeV 辐照相比,1。8 MeV电子辐照引起的LM837辐射损伤更明显;辐照过程中正偏条件下的偏置电流变化较零偏时的稍大;LM837辐照后的退火行为与温度有较大的依赖关系,而这种关系与辐照感生的界面态密度增长直接相关。


    Abstract: Radiation responses and variation characteristics of bipolar operational amplifier LM837 under the different energy and intensity of electron beams, and the different intensity but the same energy of electron beam irradiation were investigated. The parametric failure mechanism of LM837 caused by total dose radiation under different biases was discussed through analyzing the characteristics of LM837 post-irradiation annealing at room temperature, 100 ℃ and 125 ℃. The results show that the radiation damage of LM837 caused by 1.8 MeV electron irradiation is more significant than that by 1 MeV electron irradiation. Bias current under forward bias condition changes larger than that for zero biased. Annealing characteristics of LM837 after irradiation rely on the annealing temperatures, and this relationship is directly related to the increase of radiation induced-interface traps during irradiation.


