
Digital Method on Signals of BaF2 Scintillator Detectors

  • 摘要: 应用数字化方法对BaF2闪烁体探测器脉冲信号进行了研究,信号的测量通过FADC和计算机系统实现,并对所采集的脉冲波形进行了离线分析。通过计算脉冲波形的面积提取了射线的能量信息,重建了能谱,并与传统电子学模拟信号测量方法得到的能谱进行了比较;应用过阈定时方法提取了脉冲的时间信息,测量并给出了4πBaF2探测器系统的时间分布谱;应用脉冲形状甄别法对α粒子和γ射线进行了鉴别研究,根据脉冲信号快/慢成分比的差别清楚地将α粒子从γ射线中鉴别开来。本工作为在γ全吸收型4πBaF2探测器系统中应用FADC进行多通道、多参数、大数据量数字化数据获取积累了经验。


    Abstract: Anode signals of the BaF2 detectors were acquired using the Flash ADC combined with the computer system. The leading edge time distribution of the wave forms and the energy spectra of 137Cs and 60Co sources were obtained by off-line data analysis. α particles and γ rays were identified simply by the pulse shape discrimination. The energy resolutions of the spectra of the digital method are as equal as that of the traditional methods.


