
Experimental Investigation on Range Extension of GM Tube by Time-to-Count Method

  • 摘要: GM计数管是一种应用广泛的核辐射探测器,但其线性量程范围较窄。本文分析了采用死时间模型和函数拟合修正方法扩展量程存在的不足,介绍了Time-to-Count方法的工作原理,给出了基于该方法的试验装置设计方案,对实现Time-to-Count方法的脉控高压驱动、时间间隔测量等进行了讨论。在国防科技工业电离辐射一级计量站的校准试验数据表明,试验装置采用单支G1220计数管,量程可扩展至5个数量级,全量程范围线性优于10%。


    Abstract: GM tube is a kind of widely used nuclear radiation detector, whose linear range is rather narrow. Major drawbacks were analyzed by adopting dead time models and function fitting. The principle of Time-to-Count method was introduced. The design scheme of an experimental apparatus based on Time-to-Count method was pre-sented. The problems such as pulse-controlled high voltage driving and time interval measuring were discussed. Experimental apparatus was tested in National Defense Science Technology Ionizing Radiation First-order Metrology Station and test data show that the range is extended to 5 orders of magnitude and non-linearity is less than 10% in the whole range.


