
Development of Distributed Timing and Synchronization System for EAST

  • 摘要: 分布式定时同步系统在国家大科学工程EAST中有重要作用,它用于同步EAST各子系统精准投入实验的时序。分布式定时同步系统利用PXI工业级设备并结合虚拟仪器技术实现定时同步系统,可提供1 Hz~80 MHz频率的参考时钟信号,产生1 ms~6 872 s延迟触发信号(精度达10 ns)。该系统能采集信号,并能根据检测的信号实时触发相应处理机制。分布式定时同步系统精度高且运行稳定可靠,已成功应用于2010年秋季EAST放电实验。


    Abstract: The distributed timing and synchronization system (DTSS) plays an important role in the experiment of EAST, which is one of the national key fusion research projects in China. The purpose of this system is to synchronize each subsystem in EAST experiments. The DTSS based on PXI industry devices and virtual instrument technique, provides reference clock signals with frequency from 1 Hz to 80 MHz. It also produces trigger signals in pre-defined delay from 1 ms to 6 872 s with 10 ns accuracy. This system was able to acquire signals and send output or command to other systems based on signals.


