Nuclear energy development scenarios were studied according to nuclear power development status and long-term development planning, and long-term (2030, 2050) development strategy research in China. The PWR nuclear power capacity was assumed before 2050. The scenarios were based on the PWR spent fuel reprocessing, making MOX fuel with recovery plutonium, and then using MOX fuel in PWR. MOX fuel was used only once in these fuel cycle scenarios. Preliminary PWR nuclear fuel cycle scenarios were studied according to PWR with 30% MOX loading and considering two main PWR reactor types M310 and AP1000. DESAE-2, which was a code with the interactive model for quantitative assessment of nuclear energy system key indicators, was used to calculate natural uranium demand and accumulated spent fuel at different nuclear energy development scenarios. The results show that the natural uranium demand can be saved 41 000 t and 29 000 t with B
1 and B
2 modes compared to the A mode by 2050, respectively.