In order to reasonably quantify the uncertainty in calculated
keff due to uncertainties of nuclear data, the SURE code used for sensitivity and uncertainty (S/U) analysis of integral parameter
keff was developed. The method of multi-group discrete ordinates (S
N) was used to calculate
keff, flux and adjoint flux for applications. Perturbation theory was used to determine the sensitivity of the calculated value of
keff to the nuclear data used in the calculation. The uncertainty in the calculated value of
keff, resulting from uncertainties in the basic nuclear data used in the calculation, was estimated using energy-dependent relative covariance matrices. The multi-group cross sections for S
N transport calculation, the reaction channel multi-group cross sections and the neutron transfer matrices for sensitivity calculation, multi-group covariance data were processed from ENDF/B-Ⅶ.1 nuclear data library. The sensitivities of calculated
keff on Godiva and Jezebel benchmarks to nuclear data and the contribution of the cross section uncertainties to the uncertainties of
keff were analyzed using SURE. The calculated sensitivities of SURE are in good agreement with those of MCNP and FORSS codes.