
Study of Removing Cs+ by Ni-Fe(Ⅱ) Prussian Blue/Carbon Nanotube Sponge

  • 摘要: 结合模板法和原位生长法制备了新型吸附与离子交换性能兼备的Ni-Fe(Ⅱ)普鲁士蓝/碳纳米管海绵,并通过稳定同位素铯模拟放射性核素研究了材料对Cs+的去除效果。实验结果表明:复合材料很好地复制了聚氨酯海绵的三维开架多孔结构,在孔壁上沉积了大量碳纳米管,并在其表面生长了具有优异离子交换性能的Ni-Fe(Ⅱ)普鲁士蓝纳米颗粒,其占样品总量的1.38%。对Cs+的去除实验结果表明:Ni-Fe(Ⅱ)普鲁士蓝/碳纳米管海绵对Cs+有良好的去除能力;全谱等离子直接光谱仪(ICP)元素分析和穆斯堡尔谱研究表明,Ni-Fe(Ⅱ)普鲁士蓝中的K+与Cs+间发生了离子交换反应,材料对Cs+的吸附容量为698 μg/g。


    Abstract: Ni-Fe(Ⅱ) Prussian blue/carbon nanotube sponge, which has both adsorption and ion-exchange properties, was synthesized by combining the template and in-situ growth method. Then stable isotope of Cs was used to simulate radionuclide to study the adsorption effect of the composites. The results show that the sample has a three dimensional porous structure as same as polyurethane foam. Moreover, the carbon nanotubes on the surface of sponge are successfully modified with Ni-Fe(Ⅱ) Prussian blue. It shows that the ternary spongiform matrix contains 1.38% Ni-Fe(Ⅱ) Prussian blue. Both ICP and M-ssbauer spectrum analyses indicate that K+ in Ni-Fe(Ⅱ) Prussian blue is exchanged by Cs+, and the absorption capacity is 698 μg/g.


