
Measurement of 129I Concentration in Air Particle Samples by AMS

  • 摘要: 建立了通过制备大气颗粒物中碘样品并采用加速器质谱(AMS)测量颗粒物样品中129I浓度的方法。采用此方法对日本福岛核电站泄漏事故期间北京大气颗粒物样品进行了129I测量,以此探讨129I在环境监测中的作用。北京地区大气颗粒物129I的测量结果显示,2011年3月26日的大气颗粒物中129I浓度已高于正常本底值的数倍,据推测这部分129I来源于福岛核电站泄漏事故。129I是重要的核裂变产物,其来源具有特殊性,较长的半衰期使其在核反应堆中长期积累,核泄漏早期存在区域环境高浓度129I现象,所以129I-AMS测量在辐射安全及应急监测方面具有潜在优势。


    Abstract: A method to measure the 129I concentration in air particle samples using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was developed, together with the preparation of AgI target of air particle. At the same time, for the radiation monitoring use, the measurement of 129I during the accident of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP) with the AMS facility at the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) was discussed. The results show that early on March 26, 2011, 129I derived from FNPP accident had arrived and the 129I concentration in air particle increased greatly relative to the background value. Due to the long half life of 129I and its accumulation in the NPP, the event of regional high 129I concentration occurs in the early stage of the nuclear leakage, consequently, and the 129I-AMS measurement has great potential to be applied for radiation safety and emergency monitoring.


