
Angle Spectral Calculation of Surface Flux by Functional Expansion Tally in Monte Carlo Simulation

  • 摘要: 传统的蒙特卡罗模拟通常采用计数箱的方式计算界面流的角度谱。粗糙的计数箱划分难以详细描述界面流对角度的依赖关系;细致的计数箱划分则需很大的样本数才能得到满足要求的统计精度。新近发展的泛函展开计数方法将未知的计数量用1组正交函数展开到一定的阶数,通过蒙特卡罗模拟估计相应的展开系数。本文采用泛函展开计数方法计算界面流的角度谱。数值结果表明,这种方法能利用较少的样本给出界面流的角度谱的函数曲线较高精度的近似。对于复杂难算的问题,当需计算详细的界面流角度谱时,泛函展开计数方法是一很好的选择。


    Abstract: The traditional Monte Carlo simulations use tally bin to calculate angle spectral of surface flux. The tally bins must be sufficiently small to obtain detail shape of angle spectral, but the small bins result in large statistical errors. The function expansion tally (FET) is a method that uses a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate expansion coefficients of the tally distribution with respect to a set of orthogonal basis functions. In this paper, the FET method was used to calculate angle spectral of surface flux. This method can construct functional estimates of angle spectral.


