
Turbulent Transport Effect of Delayed Neutron Precursor in Molten Salt Fast Reactor

  • 摘要: 针对熔盐快堆中子物理与水力强耦合的特点,使用开发的熔盐堆三维多物理耦合程序TMSR3D,分析了稳态情况下锕系元素再循环嬗变熔盐堆(MOSART)缓发中子先驱核守恒方程中湍流扩散项对熔盐快堆堆芯物理参数的影响。结果表明:在稳态情况下,湍流扩散项对堆芯有效增殖因数影响很小,对堆芯快中子和热中子通量密度的影响也很小,但湍流扩散项对堆芯缓发中子先驱核分布的影响大,且影响程度与具体的湍流运动黏度分布、湍流施密特数和不同的缓发中子先驱核群相关。


    Abstract: In view of the feature of the tightly coupling between neutronics and hydraulics in the molten salt fast reactor, the turbulent transport effect of delayed neutron precursor in molten salt advanced reactor transmuter (MOSART) was investigated using the developed three-dimensional multi-physical coupled code TMSR3D. The calculated results indicate that the influence of turbulent diffusion on the effective multiplication factor and neutron distribution is very small, and the influence on the distribution of delayed-neutron precursors is larger and depends on the distribution of the turbulent kinematic viscosity, the turbulent Schmidt number and the delayed neutron precursor group.


