
Circle Reconstruction for Particle Trajectories Based on Modified Mountain Method

  • 摘要: 基于改进爬山法提出了一种带电粒子圆径迹重建算法,该算法可方便应用于时间投影室中带电粒子的径迹重建。算法首先通过空间映射将圆径迹寻迹问题转换为参数空间上的聚类问题,然后使用改进爬山法寻找参数聚类中心,该中心在参数空间中的位置即为圆径迹参数拟合值。在充分考虑探测器的探测效率、位置分辨率和噪声水平的基础上,使用蒙特卡罗方法产生模拟径迹,研究了该算法在不同情况下对模拟径迹参数的拟合精度。结果显示,该算法在不同噪声水平下均能获得到较高的径迹参数拟合精度,具有良好的鲁棒性和抗噪声干扰能力。此外,本文还介绍了该算法在多条径迹重建中的应用。


    Abstract: A new algorithm to reconstruct particles’ trajectories based on modified mountain method was proposed in this paper, which is suitable for the track reconstruction of time projection chamber. First, the original data points were translated into a parameter space, then the problem of track reconstruction changed to be a problem to find the cluster center in the parameters’ space, and the modified mountain method was implemented on the transformed data set to derive the cluster center. The method was tested under various scenarios using Monte Carlo generated data, which contains variation of the noise hits percentage, uncertainties in the hit position and the number of data points. The technique was proven to be robust and provide efficiency accurate results. Furthermore, the use of the modified mountain method for the identification of two overlapping circles was also shown.


