
Application of None-safety Classified Priority Control Technique in CPR1000 NPP Project

  • 摘要: 在CPR1000核电工程项目中存在着诸多参与安全功能的同时受1E和NC级DCS信号控制的非安全级设备,当1E和NC级命令同时到达时,需对1E和NC级DCS命令进行优选处理。本文提出一种优选控制技术,充分考虑不同信号优先级逻辑比较和1E级信号的定期试验回路设计。结果表明,非安全级优选控制技术通过了SL1和SL2抗震试验,为这类非安全级设备的不同级别的控制命令优选处理以及1E级命令的定期试验提供了解决方案。


    Abstract: In CPR1000 NPP project, there are some none-safety classified actuators which perform safety function are controlled by both 1E and NC commands from DCS. It is mandatory to make a priority choice between 1E and NC commands if both commands arrive simultaneously. One kind of none-safety classified priority control technique adopts the design concept of priority logic comparison and 1E signal periodic test was proposed. The results show that this technique provides a favorable solution for the priority control and 1E command periodic test dedicated to the special kind of none safety classified equipment.


