
Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Heat Transfer Characterization of Environment Simulating Facility for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor

  • 摘要: 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院研制了模拟高温气冷堆温度、环境氛围的材料测试装置,可进行1 600 ℃及以下高温碳还原环境下的各类实验。通过对该实验装置的结构进行适当简化,建立了模拟其高温、真空条件下辐射、导热动态传热特性的二维数学模型。仿真结果与实验装置各测点的实测温度变化趋势一致,可解释实验时观察到的多种动态传热现象。此外,该模型可对材料测试区径向温度分布、不同加热功率条件下发热体最高温度等难以直接测量的重要参数进行估计,给出进一步实验的指导性建议。


    Abstract: A material performance test facility simulating the temperature and environment was built by Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET) of Tsinghua University, by which kinds of tests at high temperatures of 1600 ℃ and below in carbon reducing environment could be conducted. Through rational simplification of the facility, the 2D mathematical model of the facility was introduced, which could simulate the dynamic heat transfer characterization including radiation and conduction at high temperature and under vacuum conduction. The simulating result is coincident with the measured temperature tendency and lots of dynamic heat transfer phenomenon observed in experiments could be explained. Furthermore, some key parameters which are difficult to be measured directly can be evaluated by the model, such as the radial temperature distribution of material test zone, the maximum temperature of the heater with different heating powers, which could give some instructive suggestions to further experiments.


