
Effect of Humic Acid on Re(Ⅶ) Diffusion in GMZ Bentonite

  • 摘要: 腐殖酸是环境中普遍存在的一种有机物,它能通过络合作用和氧化还原反应影响放射性核素的迁移。本文通过贯穿扩散实验,在不同膨润土密度和不同腐殖酸接触时间下,研究了Re(Ⅶ)在高庙子膨润土中的扩散,得到了有效扩散系数De和容量因子α。结果显示,随着膨润土密度从1600 kg/m3增加至1 800 kg/m3De从1.8×10-11 m2/s减小至0.59×10-11 m2/s。随着腐殖酸接触时间由0 d增加到60 d,De由0.59×10-11 m2/s增大至0.83×10-11 m2/s。实验得到的α值均小于总孔隙率,说明在腐殖酸存在的条件下,Re(Ⅶ)可能仍以阴离子的形态在膨润土中扩散。


    Abstract: Humic acid, a kind of organic matter, is ubiquitous in environment, which may affect the migration of radionuclides by complexation and redox reaction. The effect of humic acid on the diffusion of Re(Ⅶ) in GMZ bentonite was investigated at different bentonite dry densities and humic acid contact time through diffusion method. The effective diffusion coefficient De and capacity factor α were obtained. The De decreases from 1.8×10-11 m2/s to 0.59×10-11 m2/s with the dry density increasing from 1600 kg/m3 to 1 800 kg/m3. The De increases from 0.59×10-11 m2/s to 0.83×10-11 m2/s with the humic acid contact time increasing from 0 day to 60 days. All the α values are less than the total porosities, which implies that Re(Ⅶ) may be still the anion species in diffusion in compacted bentonite in presence of humic acid.


