
Calculation of Local Pressure Loss Coefficient for Flow Distribution Baffle and Cross Flow in Steam Generator

  • 摘要: 为计算得到蒸汽发生器流量分配板及横向流的局部压力损失系数,应用三维稳态热工水力软件GENEPI,在无重力、单相条件下,对管束区入口到第2块管子支撑板下游进行三维流场模拟,计算得到了给定出口压力下入口静压,进而求出进出口压降,并通过沿程摩擦以及局部压力损失关系式等,减去两块管子支撑板的压力损失及沿程阻力,推导求出蒸汽发生器流量分配板及横向流的局部压力损失系数。为验证方法的正确性及可行性,以CPR1000-SG和EPR-SG为对象,计算这两个型号蒸汽发生器流量分配板及横向流的局部压力损失系数,并将计算结果与国外经验系数进行对比,结果表明:计算结果与国外经验系数接近,误差在可接受范围内。


    Abstract: In order to calculate the local pressure loss coefficient for flow distribution baffle and cross flow in steam generator, a three-dimensional static thermal-hydraulic software GENEPI was used. The flow field between the inlet of tube-bundle region and downstream of the second tube support plate was modeled, under the single phase flow condition without calculating the gravity. The static pressure of inlet was calculated, which can deduce the pressure drop between the inlet and outlet. Then by subtracting the pressure loss of tube support plates and fictional resistance, the pressure loss coefficient for flow distribution baffle and cross flow can be calculated. In order to verify the correctness and feasibility of the method, the local pressure loss coefficients of CPR1000-SG and EPR-SG were calculated. The results were compared with foreign empirical coefficients, which shows that results are very close and the error is accepted.


