
Preliminary Study on Split Coefficient Matrix Method for Two-phase Flow Equation Solving

  • 摘要: 矩阵分裂算法是一种有限差分方法,根据系统特征值的正负,确定对流项差分格式,能描述流场信息传播的真正方向。本文基于隐式矩阵分裂算法对两相流均相流模型进行离散,利用矩阵形式追赶法求解离散后的块三对角矩阵,运用FORTRAN90程序实现数值求解过程。运用喷管内流动和两相可压缩性实验两个基准题对算法进行校验,计算结果和解析结果吻合良好,证明求解方法的可靠性。本文成功运用矩阵分裂算法求解两相流模型,为热工水力计算程序的开发和改进提供了新的视角。


    Abstract: The split coefficient matrix method is one of finite difference methods, which performs discretization on the convective term according to eigenvalues of the equations. That method can describe the real information propagation direction of flow field. The system equations were integrated based on the split coefficient matrix method in the paper. The generated block triple diagonal algebra matrix was solved with the method of forward elimination and backward substitution. The developed code was assessed by several separated effect tests. These tests were carried out through convergent-divergent nozzles and two-phase flow compression test. Good agreements between the computation and analysis results prove the validity and applicability of the method. The split coefficient matrix method was successfully applied to solve the two-phase flow equations. The results provide a new point of view for the thermal-hydraulic code development.


