
Comparative Study of Aerosol Decontamination Factor in Containment during Light Water Reactor Plant Accident

  • 摘要: 本文主要介绍目前核事故应急中源项估计广泛应用的分别针对喷淋和自然去除过程中气溶胶去除因子的3种计算方法,并比较各方法24 h内的去除因子DF。通过比较研究发现,喷淋过程各种方法计算结果有较大差异,而自然过程中除RASCAL使用的方法外,其他两种计算结果总体趋势大致相同。借此研究,推荐了核事故应急中源项估计可采用的气溶胶去除计算方法,对相关研究工作具有较好的参考意义。


    Abstract: Three types of widely used calculation methods for spray removal process and natural removal process were introduced, and the corresponding decontamination factors within 24 hours were compared in the paper. The results indicate that deviations between the methods can be significant for spray process, and calculation results for different methods have roughly same trend for natural process except the method used in RASCAL. Through this work, a more reasonable aerosol removal determination method in source term estimation is recommended to be used in nuclear emergency.


