
Application of Neutron Activation Analysis in Predicting for Ecological Transfer Parameter

  • 摘要: 生态转移参数是核设施环境影响评价中的关键参数之一,受生物和水质等多种环境因素的影响,其在不同环境中存在几个量级的差异。本文以江西彭泽和山东海阳厂址为例,在彭泽厂址采集水、沉积物、青鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼和鳙鱼等样品,在海阳厂址采集水、沉积物、扇贝、海白菜、刺参和半滑舌鳎等样品,采用中子活化分析方法测量了样品中的元素Cs、Ba和Co的浓度,进而求得3种元素的生物浓集因子和沉积物分配系数,并将测量值与现有数据进行比较。结果表明,这两个参数受地域影响较大,因而在核设施的环境影响评价过程中,应尽量使用厂址数据;在放射性核素浓度低于探测下限的情况下,中子活化分析方法可获取特定厂址的核素的生态转移参数,以开展特定厂址的评估。


    Abstract: The ecological transfer parameter is one of the key parameters in environmental impact assessment for nuclear facilities, and it is affected by the biology, water quality and other environmental factors. The parameters vary in several orders of magnitudes in different environments. Pengze site in Jiangxi province and Haiyang site in Shandong province were selected as the cases. Samples of water, sediment, black carp, grass carp, chub and bighead were collected in Pengze site, and samples of water, sediment, pectinid, sea lettuce, stichopus japonicas and sole were collected in Haiyang site. The neutron activation analysis was used to measure the concentrations of element Cs, Ba and Co, and the distribution coefficients and concentration factors were calculated and compared with other published data. Since the two parameters vary in large scope with the region, the site-specific data should be adopted in the environmental impact assessment. In the condition that the concentrations of radioactive isotopes are lower than the minimum detectable limits, the neutron activation analysis could be used to gain the ecological transfer parameters in the specific site for the assessment.


