
Experiment Study of Supercritical Water Heat Transfer in Bundle

  • 摘要: 在中国广核集团有限公司和上海交通大学共建的超临界水多功能实验装置上,针对两种不同节径比(P/D)的棒束通道开展了超临界水流动传热实验,获得了传热实验数据,观测到了通道内棒束间明显的周向温度不均匀现象和定位格架导致的传热强化现象。通过对各种热工水力参数的实验研究,得出超临界水流动传热结论:随热流密度的增加,传热系数逐渐减小,棒束壁温周向不均匀程度逐渐增加;随质量流速的增加,传热系数逐渐增大,棒束壁温周向不均匀程度逐渐减小;随压力的逐渐升高,传热系数少许降低;随P/D的减小,棒束通道内的传热明显增强。


    Abstract: The heat transfer experiment of supercritical water in two bundles with different P/D has been performed on the supercritical water multipurpose test loop coconstructed by China General Nuclear Power Corporation and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The experiment data were obtained. The temperature non-uniformity in circumference of the bundles and heat transfer enhancement caused by the grids were observed obviously. The experiment research results of thermal-hydraulic parameters on heat transfer of supercritical water show that the heat transfer coefficient decreases and the temperature non-uniformity in circumference is enhanced with the increase of heat flux. The heat transfer coefficient increases and the temperature non-uniformity in circumference decreases with the increase of mass flux. The heat transfer coefficient decreases with the increase of system pressure. The heat transfer in bundles is enhanced with the decrease of P/D.


