A conceptual supercritical-water cooled solid breeder test blanket module (SWCB-TBM) design was carried out based on the ITER test blanket project. The SWCB-TBM used the beryllium pebbles as neutron multiplier, Li
4 lithium ceramic pebbles as tritium breeder, CLAM steel as the structure material respectively. For enhancing the outlet temperature, the first wall adopted the design of multi-channel in each circuit to increase temperature of outlet, and arranged the breeder and neutron multiplier by layers to increase heat deposition and tritium breeding ratio (TBR). In order to verify the feasibility of the SWCB-TBM, the distributions of the three dimensional TBR and thermal deposition were calculated, and the numerical simulation of SWCB-TBM combining with results of neutronics calculation was also carried out. The results show that the power density distribution of the SWCB-TBM is reasonable. The TBR could meet the requirements for tritium self-sufficiency and the SWCB-TBM components are effectively cooled below the allowable temperature while the temperature of outlet reaches 500 ℃. The design of SWCB-TBM in this paper is reasonable under neutronics and thermal hydraulic conditions.