
Fabrication Processes of UO2 Composite Fuel Pellets Doped with MWNTs

  • 摘要: 分别采用热压烧结与无压烧结工艺制备了掺杂5%~20%多壁碳纳米管(MWNTs)的UO2复合燃料芯块,分析了芯块的性能。结果表明:乙醇湿法球磨可将MWNTs均匀分散到UO2基体中;热压烧结芯块随MWNTs含量的增加,芯块密度逐渐下降,MWNTs含量为5%的芯块密度为96.7%TD;无压烧结芯块随MWNTs含量的增加,芯块密度先升高后降低,MWNTs含量为12.5%的芯块密度最高,为97.2%TD;1400 ℃、50 MPa热压烧结工艺,MWNTs与UO2基体未发生反应;1750 ℃无压烧结工艺,MWNTs与UO2基体产生微弱反应生成少量UC相;SEM显示,MWNTs在UO2基体以沿晶和穿晶状态分布;在250 ℃,热压烧结UO2-10%MWNTs芯块热导率为6.76 W/(m•K),提高了20.28%;无压烧结UO2-12.5%MWNTs芯块热导率为6.65 W/(m•K),提高了18.33%。


    Abstract: UO2 composite fuel pellets doped with 5%-20% multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were prepared by hot-press and pressureless sintering processes, and their properties were studied. The results show that MWNTs are uniformly mixed into the UO2 matrix by alcohol ball milling; the density of hot-press sintered UO2 pellet decreases with increase of MWNTs content, the density of UO2-5%MWNTs pellet is 96.7%TD; the density of pressureless sintered UO2 pellet first increases then decreases with increase of MWNTs content, and the maximum density of UO2-12.5%MWNTs is 97.2%TD. MWNTs and UO2 do not react at 1400 ℃, 50 MPa hot-press sintering process, but a little reaction and UC phase are found at 1 750 ℃ pressureless sintering process. SEM shows that MWNTs distributes in UO2 matrix as intergranular and transgranular. At 250 ℃, the thermal conductivity of UO2-10%MWNTs pellet by hot-press sintering is 6.76 W/(m•K), increased by 20.28%; the thermal conductivity of UO2-12.5%MWNTs pellet by pressureless sintering is 6.65 W/(m•K), increased by 18.33%.


