
Flow-induced Vibration Test on Radiation Vessel Assembly of China Experimental Fast Reactor

  • 摘要: 在水力实验台架上利用DASP-V10振动测量系统对中国实验快堆结构材料辐照容器组件进行流致振动实验。通过实验,得到组件前5阶固有振动特性(固有频率、振型)及额定流量工况(0.6 m3/h)和120%额定流量工况下组件的振动响应及动态应变响应。实验以固有振动特性测量结果来指导开展组件在运行工况下的流致振动实验,并根据得到的流致振动结果结合组件固有振动特性从振动力学原理上阐述了辐照容器组件共振现象的产生及其对组件运行的影响。


    Abstract: Responses of the radiation vessel assembly of China Experimental Fast Reactor to flow-induced vibration were measured by DASP-V10 vibration system in a thermal hydraulic test facility. The first five intrinsic frequencies and mode shapes of assembly were obtained by the test. Vibration and dynamic strains responses were obtained during the dynamic tests which were operated in the rated flow of 0.6 m3/h and 120% of the rated flow. The flow-induced vibration test was operated to follow the results of the test measurements for intrinsic vibration characteristics. Results of the two tests give the reason why the resonance vibration occurrs and explain its effect to the assembly based on vibration mechanics.


