
Establishment and Verification of Theoretical Model of Film Drops Produced by Bubble Bursting

  • 摘要: 本文研究了常温、常压条件下自由液面单气泡破裂产生膜液滴现象。在明确该过程物理机理及气泡破裂环状物模型基础上,应用瑞利射流不稳定性分析理论结果,通过合理假设,建立了自由液面单气泡破裂产生膜液滴的物理模型。通过引入瑞利断裂时间判据,对时间变量进行离散,数值求解该理论模型,可获得气泡破裂产生膜液滴的初始参数,包括膜液滴数量、尺寸、速度、初始位置。将模型计算结果同已有实验数据对比,二者符合较好,证明了模型的正确性。


    Abstract: The phenomenon of the film drops produced by the bubble bursting at a free water surface under the normal temperature and pressure conditions was researched in this paper. While the physical mechanism of this phenomenon was clear, based on the previous ring theory model and the Rayleigh instability analysis theory, a new model of the film drops produced by bursting bubble at the free surface was established under some reasonable assumptions. Using time variables discrete method, mathematical model was solved and the film drop initial parameters were obtained, including the number, diameter, velocity and direction, and initial position. The model calculation results fit well with the previous experimental data, justifying the correctness of the new model.


