
Analysis Research of Electricity Generating Capacity for CEFR

  • 摘要: 应用热平衡法建立了堆芯及回路间的换热模型,计算了其换热量及热损失。用等效焓降法建立了蒸汽动力转换系统的数学模型,开发了中国实验快堆(CEFR)发电能力计算分析软件,并利用40%额定功率首次并网发电的实验数据对程序进行了验证。利用开发的程序定量分析了导致实际发电能力与理论发电能力偏差的原因,并对CEFR 100%额定功率时的发电能力进行了预测。结果表明,若三回路热力系统能满足100%额定功率的运行参数,则CEFR的电功率能够达到20 MW的设计要求。


    Abstract: The model of heat transfer between reactor core and loop was established by the heat balance method, and the heat transfer and heat loss were calculated. The mathematical model of the steam power conversion system was established by the equivalent enthalpy drop method, and a code was developed for the calculation and analysis of the electricity generating capacity of CEFR, which was validated by the experimental data accumulated during the first connection to the grid at 40% rated power. With this code the cause of the difference between the measured electricity generating capacity and theoretical electricity generating capacity was analyzed quantificationally and the electricity generating capacity was forecasted for the 100% rated power. The results show that if the thermal power system of the third circuit can meet the rated operational parameter at 100% rated power, the electrical power of CEFR can reach design objective of 20 MW.


