
Universal Program Development for Calculation of Fission Product Activity

  • 摘要: 按照衰变规律,推导了裂变产物活度计算的通用公式。以PowerBuilder 10.0为工具,建立了裂变产物的独立产额、衰变路径和衰变信息数据库,开发了一用于计算裂变产物活度的通用程序。利用该程序计算了8种气体裂变产物的原子核数随时间的变化,结果与文献数据基本一致。本程序为与核裂变相关的裂变产物预先评估提供了一个便利的工具。


    Abstract: According to the radioactive decay law, a universal formula for the calculation of the fission product activity was deduced. By employing PowerBuilder 10.0, the databases of individual yields, decay paths and decay messages of the fission products were established, and a universal program for the calculation of fission product activity was developed. The nuclear numbers of eight fission gas products were calculated. The results are in good agreement with the reference results. The program provides a convenient tool for the pre-estimation of the fission product analysis.


