
Irradiation Effect and Annealing Character of PNP Input Bipolar Operational Amplifier in Proton Radiation Environment

  • 摘要: 对不同偏置下的PNP输入双极运算放大器在3、10 MeV两种质子能量下的辐照效应进行了研究,并将质子辐射损伤效应与0.5 Gy(Si)/s剂量率60Co γ射线辐射损伤效应进行了比较,以探究质子和γ射线产生的辐射损伤之间的对应关系。结果表明,运放LM837对γ射线的敏感程度较10 MeV质子和3 MeV质子的小,然而其室温退火后的后损伤效应却更严重;相同等效总剂量条件下,10 MeV质子造成的损伤较3 MeV质子的高;质子辐射中器件的偏置条件对损伤影响不大。


    Abstract: The PNP input bipolar operational amplifiers were irradiated with 60Co γ rays, 3 MeV protons and 10 MeV protons respectively at different biases to determine the correlation of the radiation damage induced by γ rays and protons. The comparison of protons with 60Co γ rays shows that the proton radiation can induce both displacement and ionization damage, and 10 MeV protons can induce more damage than 3 MeV protons under the same absorbed dose. The biases have little effect on the proton radiation damage.


