
Safety Analysis of Fast Neutron Irradiation in Concealed Explosive Detecting Device

  • 摘要: 为推广隐藏爆炸物检测装置在反恐领域的应用,对快中子辐照炸药、食品及药品的安全性进行了分析。通过蒙特卡罗方法建立了装置的快中子辐照炸药安全性评估模型。通过能量沉积计算及炸药起爆机理分析可知,快中子辐照炸药不会产生爆炸的危险。采用剂量分析法对快中子辐照食品及药品的安全性进行了分析,结果表明,在隐藏爆炸物检测装置的快中子辐照条件下,食品及药品的辐照剂量在国家和国际限定的标准内,快中子辐照食品及药品的安全性是可接受的。


    Abstract: In order to extend the use of concealed explosive detecting device in the anti-terrorist area, the safety analysis of explosive, food and drug for the fast neutron irradiation was carried out. The Monte Carlo simulation was used to build the evaluated model of fast neutron irradiated on explosive. Combining with the energy deposition and exploded mechanisms, the fast neutron irradiation would not cause the explosive blast. The dose analysis method was used to evaluate the safety of fast neutron irradiated on food and drug. The results show that the fast neutron irradiated on food and drug is safe with the irradiation dose under the standard at home and abroad in the condition of concealed explosive detecting device.


