
Design of INAA Automatic Control System at CARR

  • 摘要: 在中国先进研究堆设计了一套新的仪器中子活化分析自动控制系统。系统主要由辐照管道、样品架、样品转换器、传输装置和3套可同时连续24 h工作的HPGe探测器组成。测量盒内装有无线射频识别(RFID)电子标签,对样品进行实时跟踪和定位。压缩空气作为样品传输动力。系统由组态王Kingview6.55、可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)控制,可实现批量样品辐照、冷却、测量等一体化控制。


    Abstract: A new instrument neutron activation analysis (INAA) automatic control system has been designed at China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR). The automation system is mainly composed of irradiation channels, sample holder, sample exchanger,sample driving system and three sets of HPGe spectrometers which can run simultaneously for 24 h. The sample rabbit contains radio frequency identification (RFID) electronic label used for identifying and tracing the sample route or location. The compressed air was used as sample driving force. The system was controlled by Kingview6.55 and the programmable logic controller (PLC), with which the integrated control for the batch sample irradiation, cooling and measurement can be realized.


